It all started with Mr. Philip Yeo’s engagement of a blogger directly in his own turf, a FIRST NOTABLE attempt by a high-ranking civil servant to directly engage bloggers. I have a personal confession to make. I am one of Mr Philip Yeo’s critics, and still remain one up till this day. I still disagree with A*STAR’s requirements of a 3.8 GPA, however, I figure the best course of action will be agreeing to disagree in a gentlemanly manner. I am not the type who criticizes for the sake of criticism or insult for the sake of insulting. Neither do I belong to the category of “green-eyed bloggers” envious of A*STAR scholars. I am also not in the same category as A*STAR bashers who lambaste A*STAR out of animosity. Better to make new friends is my motto, and I have told Mr Philip Yeo that my blog is open to all visitors, including those from A*STAR. Thus, there is no reason for me to have green eyes over any A*STAR scholar. As a side note, I communicated on the phone with an A*STAR scholarship officer, Edwin, as a nosey and busybody graduate and discussed with him my qualifications and the nature of my undergraduate curriculum. I was told that I was possibly eligible for the A*STAR overseas Ph.D. scholarship. However, it’s my intention to study medicine in a medical school that offers graduate level entry. The only reason why I studied Biomedical Science was because I wanted to know the exact science behind the medicine, and hopefully the knowledge I gained will serve me well later on. I hope to be an oncologist, however I am also open to the field of pediatrics. I have grown to love kids from my current job as a Life Science facilitator. I saw myself as a motivator, helping kids to negotiate learning obstacles in their lives. Before I get carried away with my rambling, readers would like to know how my exchange with Mr. Philip Yeo first started. Well. Initially, I was piqued by a provocative comment (in my opinion) by Mr. Philip Yeo into an initial exchange on Elia Diodati’s blog. Below are the excerpts of the exchange. My moniker was Dr Dee, a DC comic villain whom cartoon network fans might be familiar with.
It all started with Mr. Philip Yeo’s engagement of a blogger directly in his own turf, a FIRST NOTABLE attempt by a high-ranking civil servant to directly engage bloggers. I have a personal confession to make. I am one of Mr Philip Yeo’s critics, and still remain one up till this day. I still disagree with A*STAR’s requirements of a 3.8 GPA, however, I figure the best course of action will be agreeing to disagree in a gentlemanly manner. I am not the type who criticizes for the sake of criticism or insult for the sake of insulting. Neither do I belong to the category of “green-eyed bloggers” envious of A*STAR scholars. I am also not in the same category as A*STAR bashers who lambaste A*STAR out of animosity. Better to make new friends is my motto, and I have told Mr Philip Yeo that my blog is open to all visitors, including those from A*STAR. Thus, there is no reason for me to have green eyes over any A*STAR scholar. As a side note, I communicated on the phone with an A*STAR scholarship officer, Edwin, as a nosey and busybody graduate and discussed with him my qualifications and the nature of my undergraduate curriculum. I was told that I was possibly eligible for the A*STAR overseas Ph.D. scholarship. However, it’s my intention to study medicine in a medical school that offers graduate level entry. The only reason why I studied Biomedical Science was because I wanted to know the exact science behind the medicine, and hopefully the knowledge I gained will serve me well later on. I hope to be an oncologist, however I am also open to the field of pediatrics. I have grown to love kids from my current job as a Life Science facilitator. I saw myself as a motivator, helping kids to negotiate learning obstacles in their lives. Before I get carried away with my rambling, readers would like to know how my exchange with Mr. Philip Yeo first started. Well. Initially, I was piqued by a provocative comment (in my opinion) by Mr. Philip Yeo into an initial exchange on Elia Diodati’s blog. Below are the excerpts of the exchange. My moniker was Dr Dee, a DC comic villain whom cartoon network fans might be familiar with.
A very self-important university freshman attending a recent football game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.
“You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one,” the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. “The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon, our spaceships have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light-speed processing and…,” pausing to take another drink of beer.
The Senior took advantage of the break in the student’s litany and said, “You’re right, son. We didn’t have those things when we were young… we invented them.Now, you arrogant little XXXX, what are you doing for the next generation?
A very self-important university freshman attending a recent football game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.
“You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one,” the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. “The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon, our spaceships have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light-speed processing and…,” pausing to take another drink of beer.
The Senior took advantage of the break in the student’s litany and said, “You’re right, son. We didn’t have those things when we were young… we invented them.Now, you arrogant little XXXX, what are you doing for the next generation?
- Mr Philip Yeo
An octogenarian came back to a city he once lived in after a long trip. He was surprised by the city’s transformation over the years in his absence, with the landscape dominated by new buildings with modern architecture. He wanted to capture the modern landscape in a camera. He walked into a camera shop and was shown a variety of sleek looking digital cameras. He was taken by surprise because the cameras were so much different from the ones that he used when he was young. He asked the sales personel if these digital cameras needed an external flash and asked why the cameras were so much different from the ones that he was used to during his younger days. The sales personel replied with a smile,”Sir, during your years of absence, your junior generations came up with innovative inventions like the lithium battery and especially the microchip. The microchip that is found in this camera is found in many other electronic devices. Your junior generations’ inventions has not only resulted in new applications, but has also pushed current technologies like photographic technology to new heights.”
An octogenarian came back to a city he once lived in after a long trip. He was surprised by the city’s transformation over the years in his absence, with the landscape dominated by new buildings with modern architecture. He wanted to capture the modern landscape in a camera. He walked into a camera shop and was shown a variety of sleek looking digital cameras. He was taken by surprise because the cameras were so much different from the ones that he used when he was young. He asked the sales personel if these digital cameras needed an external flash and asked why the cameras were so much different from the ones that he was used to during his younger days. The sales personel replied with a smile,”Sir, during your years of absence, your junior generations came up with innovative inventions like the lithium battery and especially the microchip. The microchip that is found in this camera is found in many other electronic devices. Your junior generations’ inventions has not only resulted in new applications, but has also pushed current technologies like photographic technology to new heights.”
- Me (Dr Dee)
This initial exchange was the impetus leading to a series of exchanges between Mr. Philip Yeo and me. Our initial exchanges were about the 3.8 GPA requirement by A*STAR. Being the critic that I was, I naturally took the opposition camp. Both sides presented their side of the story. However, my discussion with Mr. Philip Yeo diverted to other topics later when we commented on Aaron Ng’s (an undergraduate at the National University of Singapore) blog, and later on, in my blog. Even as we stand at opposite camps, off the debating field, I must admit that I am thankful to Mr. Philip Yeo for his kind patience in entertaining my questions. As time passes, blog posts will be archived together with the comments and disappeared into obscurity. Thus, it will be a waste not to consolidate the series of replies and quotes by Mr. Philip Yeo. Many would have formed an impression of Mr. Philip Yeo from the interviews he had given to media. Some will remember him as someone who will not mince his words, and speak his mind. However, I was fortunate to have been given a glimpse into a side of Mr. Philip Yeo that someone reading the mass media would not have been exposed to. I slowly got to learn why Mr Philip Yeo dared to say things that well by his own admission may make readers “hate his guts” (see section 1.2 part iv and section 1.7 part ii). I am sure readers are curious to learn more about the side of Mr. Philip Yeo that they have never been exposed to. For the critics, I will say it’s important to hear their rival’s side of the story, and then make judgements for themselves. Since this write-up is about Mr Philip Yeo up close and personal, I choose not to give a narration but will reproduce quotes by Mr. Philip Yeo in the Blogosphere on diverse topics instead. I will reproduce the quotes in their original form and only edit language errors. I have categorized the topics for easy reference.
1.1 Quotes on his education and early career
i) Only 22 of us in the 1965 class of Pre-University Science students at SJI. In Fall 1966, 11 of us were sent overseas to study Engineering. No Science. No Medicine.To study at BS level only, as the funding was from Colombo Plan donors such as UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. – Mr. Philip Yeo on his secondary to university education in a comment on my blog.
ii) The IES (Institution of Engineers Singapore) made me a Fellow many moons ago. Did BS (Industrial Engg) 1970 at U of Toronto on a Canadian Govt Colombo Plan scholarship. 2 years MS (Systems Engg) 1974 at U of Singapore. Offered a U of Spore scholarship to do a overseas PhD in Industrial Engg but I turned it down as it would add another 5 years to my bond period. Went off to Harvard U for the 2 years MBA in 1974 under the US Govt Fulbright scholarship. – Mr. Philip Yeo on his tertiary education and postgraduate years on Aaron Ng’s blog.
iii) Yet 10 years of bond though Singapore paid nothing. Had to serve in the Spore Admin Service (1970 to 1999) though I was an engineer by training and at real work. Never pushed any papers. Pushed weapons design and production in Mindef and from 1986 industrial development at EDB. A*STAR from 2001. – Mr. Philip Yeo on his Colombo Plan scholarship in his response to my queries on Aaron Ng’s blog.
iv) Aid from Canada to Singapore.The recipient must serve his country. He/she cannot stay in the donor’s country. Cannot break bond. - More from Mr. Philip Yeo on the terms of the Canadian Government Colombo Plan scholarship in his response to my further queries on Aaron Ng’s blog.
v) I must have met Mr Tooh Fee San when I visited Chinese High 10 years ago?Teachers like Mr Tooh Fee San will always be remembered. MOE should put up a “Hall of Gratitude” to great teachers like him. Our SJI Pre U (JC nowadays) old Maths teacher Mr. Cheah taught and “tortured” us with weekly Maths tests (Applied Maths and Further Maths then) to vie for the top three names to be placed by him on the class’ plain notice board.That was “The Prize”. Almost the whole class achieved As for the two subjects at “A” level exams. Our Chemistry teacher was a “Master of Disappearing Acts”!Without the physical presence of the teacher, no student could go into the chemistry lab in those ancient days. So the 22 of us pooled our efforts and raised funds to set up a private chemistry lab.No one ever remember or missed the Chemistry teacher. - Mr Philip Yeo remembers some teachers in his comment on Aaron Ng's blog.
1.2 Quotes on Mindef and his relationship with Dr Goh Keng Swee.
i) I started the design and development of the Singapore 155 mm artillery guns when I was in Mindef till 1985 and built them when I led the Singapore Technologies group from 1987 to 1994, even when I was Chairman, EDB from 1986. – Mr Philip Yeo on his Mindef contributions on Aaron Ng’s blog.
ii) Dee,Mindef chaps are not paper pushers. Ha!Philip – Mr Philip Yeo in response to my queries on the way Mindef people work on Aaron Ng’s blog.
iii) I was Chairman, Defence Science Organization Executive Committee from 1976 to 1985. UAV were useful things. - More from Mr. Philip Yeo on his Mindef contributions on Aaron Ng’s blog.
iv) Dee, I was merely relating the old 1985 SIA matter as a joke. I had been in Mindef from June 1970 to Dec 1985 ~~ well past my 10 years of bond. SIA is running well today. In 1985, Dr. Goh Keng Swee thought otherwise of SIA. He really wanted me to go there to fix it as he said. Hard to say NO to Dr. Goh KS. Even when I was at Harvard Biz school in 1974-76, Dr. Goh KS would ask my Perm Sec(Defence) to write to me to come back to Mindef and not waste my time in Boston! When I returned home in May 1976 and went to see him in his office, he went to his big cupboard and personally carried out 10 heavy project files saying: I have kept these for you for the last two years! He would NOT give these projects to anyone else. I was determined to “do it” in 2 years to “get rid” of them. With only 7 years service, not counting the 2 years at Harvard, he made up for the project workload torture by promoting me to Perm Sec (Defence Technology) at the age of 32 plus years-old in Sept 1979. I could not “morally” run away to greener private pastures. Dr Goh always knew whenever I was restless. He would ask: Are you bored? Then he would send more work to me! He said: No one dies of overwork. One dies of boredom. He used to challenge my Mindef engineers and I why we could NOT design and make this or that weapon. Being proud scholar engineers, we would really be hot and angry around our collars. We would then work our butts off to prove him wrong. And when we did it, he will chuckle and congratulate us. The satisfaction that we proved him wrong again was our reward. (Recently, some ignorant young “toady” blogger wrongly called me an iron rice bowled paper pusher!). I learnt the Power of Ridicule from Dr. Goh KS and used it “well” with my chaps too. I have no shortage of private offers. But I think I owe my 2 kids some time with them. – Mr Philip Yeo in response to my query on SIA matters, and an account of his working relationship with Dr Goh Keng Swee, former Minister for the Interior and Defense on Aaron Ng’s blog.
v) Dr Goh KS autographed 3 of his economic books and gave them to me. I have yet to find time to read them! Oops! I usually read science and technology books and ancient history. Whenever I need help on economic matters, I used to go to Dr. Goh KS for free advice. – More from Mr. Philip Yeo on Dr. Goh Keng Swee on Aaron Ng’s blog.
vi) Dee, Dr. Goh read and lectured on military history to our senior officers. His library was a great collection of books. I was only interested in the weapon developments. My collection were weapons. - Mr Philip Yeo’s comments on Dr Goh Keng Swee’s reading and teaching interests on Aaron Ng’s blog.
1.3 Quotes on scholarship matters
i) I reduced the bond to 6 years for the EDB Glaxo scholarship. PSC had no choice but to catch up. For the A*STAR scholars, for 8 years of funding of BS (3 years, 6 years bond ) and PhD (5 years, 5 years bond), I made the bonds concurrent. Hence, total service period is 6 years only. When the scholar comes home after the BS to do the compulsory lab attachment of 1 year, the service obligation is reduced by 1 year. After the US 5 years PhD training, chap need to serve 5 years only. Good deal. Must have high bar of academic standard. - Mr. Philip Yeo on administration of scholarship on Aaron Ng’s blog.
ii) During my 1986 to 2000 tenure at EDB scholars give it a try for first two years after their graduation as they are on probation. If they cannot make the grade, they are allowed to leave for other opportunities. Obviously they have to pay up the remainder liquidated damages of their original 6 years contract. The Chng Hee Kok case was about scholars (1 EDB, 2 NCB) who on graduation did NOT come home to serve at all. One hypocritical chap said that his goal was “to serve the world (US) and not Singapore”. He wanted to be in the US for some 15 years before he comes home. If I had served my 10 years bond, no one can stop me. Right? – Mr Philip Yeo on EDB scholarship and the MP Chng Hee Kok case on Aaron Ng’s blog.
iii) If they want to leave before their 6 years bond is up, they are free to do so with payment of liquidated damages. If they want a transfer to another dept, who wants them, they carry their remainder bond over. Since 1986, very few cases. We are not cruel. – Further elaboration from Mr. Philip Yeo on EDB scholarship when he pointed out my misunderstanding in an earlier posted comment on Aaron Ng’s blog.
iv) When I was Chairman, NCB (1981-1987) I permitted NCB scholars to do their self funded PhD studies after their BS and on their return, transferred their bond to NUS (U of Singapore then). No liquidated damages recovery. Free bodies to NUS. NCB had no funds for PhD studies but did not hold back anyone wanting to do so. Likewise, EDB scholars were free to do their PhD studies on their own and were then released to NUS. Since 2001, EDB and PSC scholars have been transferred to A*STAR for funding their PhD studies. Concurrent bond. Means for their BS (3/4 years) and PhD (3 to 5 years) studies, their bond obligation is still 6 years. During their PhD studies, A*STAR scholars have a home stipend in addition to the overseas stipend and tuition. No compromise on high GPA. No free lunch. - Mr Philip Yeo on NCB, EDB and A*STAR scholarships on Aaron Ng’s blog.
v) PSC scholars from well to do homes can well afford to break bond. PSC would not "name shame" their bond breakers since EDB and NCB named bond breakers in 1998. PSC feared that applicants will shy away from PSC scholarships. EDB (since 1990) and A*STAR (since 2001) have awarded overseas scholarships to young Malaysians who studied in Singapore school and took the same O and A level exams. In the 1990 first batch of EDB Glaxo scholars, I personally interviewed and selected 34 scholars to go to UK and US for their BS/MS in 4 years. 8 of the 34 were Malaysians. Almost all have become Singapore Citizens. For A*STAR, these HUNGRY non-Singaporeans are encouraged to take up Singapore Citizenships.
- Mr Philip Yeo comments on PSC (Public Service Commission), and on his role in the selection of scholars EDB Glaxo scholars on my blog.
vi) Not when I am in charge of NCB and EDB. Also A*STAR. Ha! - Mr Philip Yeo, alluding to the fact that NCB, EDB and A*STAR had different scholarship policies from that of Public Service Commission when he headed them, in a comment on my blog.
vii) That was a great article! Genghis Khan chose the best and bravest leaders from ALL levels of society. Not the traditional selection from the noble families. Just as I chose bright and HUNGRY scholars for A*STAR. Over 70 % of them from HDB homes. No sons and daughters of the rich and famous etc. etc. – Mr. Philip Yeo commenting on his selection of scholars on Aaron Ng’s blog.
1.4 Quotes on his educational philosophy and contributions as an educator
i) Good of you to give the Normal Stream students the due attention and encouragement. Like the placebo effect, they can then be self-motivated to succeed. The smart students can fend for themselves. The weak students should be given due attention to make themselves smart. Better teachers for the weaker students to leverage themselves up.When they succeed, they can go autopilot. – Mr. Philip Yeo in response to my earlier blog post describing my teaching experience with Normal Stream students. It is clear he believes that weaker students need better teachers.
ii) I took charge of this school (Queenstown Secondary School) in 1980 for two years to help the kids move up the ladder. The RI and RGS do not need any help from demanding people. - Mr. Philip Yeo in a comment on my blog on his role as an educator.
1.5 Musings
i) The frog used to be a common lab ally for researchers.Now the zebra fish etc etc has pushed it out of the lab table? IMCB has a extra large collection of zebra fish!Can start a zebra fish shop. – Mr. Philip Yeo musing on zebrafish in comment 114 and 124 of Aaron Ng’s blog.
ii) Chap (referring to Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek) is unfair. US is a mature independent nation since 1776. Singapore is a young nation since 9 August 1965. In 1965, our per capita GDP was about US$600. Only 22 of us in the 1965 class of Pre-University Science students at SJI. In Fall 1966, 11 of us were sent overseas to study Engineering. No Science. No Medicine. To study at BS level only as the funding was from Colombo Plan donors such as UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. From 1990 to 2000, NSTB gave no priority to PhD education. At EDB, from 1986 to 2000, I gave out over 340 BS/MS overseas scholarships. I took charge of NSTB (now A*STAR) in Feb 2001. Transferred some EDB scholars over to A*STAR for PhD education abroad. In July 2001, we started selecting and sending Singaporeans for overseas PhD training Science and Engineering.
As at March 2007, we have 75 PhD scholars in the US and 11 in the UK. 86 in all.
Another 200 plus are doing their PhD at NUS and NTU. 240 BS to PhD scholars too.
Come 2020, they will all be able to play their part and prove this chap (Fareed Zakaria) wrong. :-D - Mr. Philip Yeo in response to an article to an article by Fareed Zakaria titled “We all have a lot to learn” accessible at in my blog.
iii) The trebuchet changed siege warfare. The movie “Kingdom of Heaven” (Crusaders) showed some trebuchet-looking siege weapons. The Mongols made Chinese slave engineers build the best trebuchet. – Mr. Philip Yeo muses on siege warfare on Aaron Ng’s blog.
iv) Dear Ching Hock, I am not perfect. I try hard to find Cranes (Chinese symbol for wisdom?) amongst young Singaporeans. And some Frogs and Toads hide in their midst. Yuk! I prefer to buy “ready for cooking” frog legs from Cold Storage. Supposed to be good for people with asthma. Philip - Mr Philip Yeo muses on two very different group of young Singaporeans on Aaron Ng's blog.
1.6 Quotes on the future
i) Dee, From the above you can see my role as Senior Advisor for Science & Technology (S&T) to the Minister of Trade and Industry. I am confident that my younger successor Lim Chuan Poh (ex-Mindef like me) who is ably assisted by Deputy Chairman, Prof. Dr Tan Chorh Chuan will be able to carry on and build upon my basement and ground level work of the Feb 2001 to March 2007 period. They know that I have set high standards for them to maintain. Each senior government officer has his/her own capability. I am neither civil nor a servant. I am not indispensable but irreplaceable. We cannot clone ourselves yet. I stayed on and worked for the Singapore government because I had Dr Goh Keng Swee as a great role model. Every time that I was fully tempted to leave for greener pastures, he will call me up for free lunch and load me up with more work to distract me. I could not desert a man who have worked selflessly and have laid the foundation for the Singapore economy that we have today. Philip. – Mr Philip Yeo expressing his vote of confidence in his successor ,Lim Chuan Poh, and a debt of gratitude towards Dr Goh Keng Swee in a comment on Aaron Ng’s blog.
i) Dee, From the above you can see my role as Senior Advisor for Science & Technology (S&T) to the Minister of Trade and Industry. I am confident that my younger successor Lim Chuan Poh (ex-Mindef like me) who is ably assisted by Deputy Chairman, Prof. Dr Tan Chorh Chuan will be able to carry on and build upon my basement and ground level work of the Feb 2001 to March 2007 period. They know that I have set high standards for them to maintain. Each senior government officer has his/her own capability. I am neither civil nor a servant. I am not indispensable but irreplaceable. We cannot clone ourselves yet. I stayed on and worked for the Singapore government because I had Dr Goh Keng Swee as a great role model. Every time that I was fully tempted to leave for greener pastures, he will call me up for free lunch and load me up with more work to distract me. I could not desert a man who have worked selflessly and have laid the foundation for the Singapore economy that we have today. Philip. – Mr Philip Yeo expressing his vote of confidence in his successor ,Lim Chuan Poh, and a debt of gratitude towards Dr Goh Keng Swee in a comment on Aaron Ng’s blog.
ii) By 2010, we would have given out 1000 A*STAR scholarships. The 2002 BS-PhD batch will be home by 2011.The last BS-PhD of 2010 will only be home by 2019.The aim is to achieve 50/50(ratio of local researchers to foreign researchers) by 2020. – Mr Philip Yeo in a comment on my blog on his aims for A*STAR.
iii) Getting married is a serious matter. Monogamy is not always the best solution. SPRING should aim to have many close girl friends of the likes of A*STAR, EDB, IES, MAS etc etc. Polygamy does pay. Wait for me to go to SPRING on 1st April 2007. – Mr. Philip Yeo, comments on SPRING, where he will assume the position of Chairman in 1st April 2007.
iv) The chaps now running A*STAR, EDB, IES, MAS have worked with me for many moons. I am counting on their help to SPRING to give HOPE and HELP to our SMES. Hope SPRINGs eternal. – Mr Philip Yeo, outlining his hope for the development of SMEs.
1.7 His side of the story
i) Trying to use all means, including Ridicule psychology, to get more Singaporeans, Male and Female, to do graduate studies and to man A*STAR labs and industries etc etc. Have no responsibility for the universities manning. Gender breakdown of 670 A*STAR scholars: 61 % Male, 39 Female. Biomedical Sciences: 48 % M, 52 % F.Physical Science/Engg: 80 % M, 20 % F. The male chaps are just 2/3 years behind the female because of NSF. – Mr Philip Yeo in his comments on my blog explaining why he mentioned in an interview with The New Paper about awarding scholarships to hungry foreigners, who are willing to take up Singapore citizenship. He was willing to use all means including Ridicule psychology to get more Singaporeans to do graduate studies.
ii) YES! :-D Learnt this practice from Dr. Goh Keng Swee: Must be cruel to be kind.They will hate my guts now but when they get their PhD they might wake up and thank me. Ha! Ha! – A reply by Mr Philip Yeo when I asked him in my blog if his “got a basic degree, wash test tube” remark was part of his Ridicule psychology practice.
1.8 Reading materials of interest
i) European and Middle East History from 500 BC. Have a good collection from Darius I, Alexander, the Greek Wars, Genghis Khan etc etc. Now (as of March 17th, 2007) reading a good book: The Great War for Civilisation by Robert Frisk, a journalist. – Mr. Philip Yeo on his collection of books in his comments on Aaron Ng’s blog.
i) European and Middle East History from 500 BC. Have a good collection from Darius I, Alexander, the Greek Wars, Genghis Khan etc etc. Now (as of March 17th, 2007) reading a good book: The Great War for Civilisation by Robert Frisk, a journalist. – Mr. Philip Yeo on his collection of books in his comments on Aaron Ng’s blog.
ii) The Sayings of Râmakrishna: 200-299248. Be not like the frog in the well. The frog in the well knows nothing bigger and grander than its well. Means that the noisy croaking frog thinks that his well is the greatest thing in his limited vision. Until he hops out to see the mighty ocean. And when he hops into the ocean, he will be a dead salted frog. Those who know little, makes the most noise. Old English saying: Empty vessels make the most noise. Ramakrishna: His Life and Sayings (2002 Paperback) by F. Max Muller – Mr. Philip Yeo on the Sayings of Ramakrishna in his comments on Aaron Ng’s blog (comments 112 and 130)
iii) I usually read science and technology books and ancient history. – Mr Philip Yeo commenting on his reading interests in Aaron Ng’s blog.
1.9 The family man
i) I am afraid that grandchildren supply will be still a long way to go. My kids are too busy. One slaving away on research. The other still in college. – Mr Philip Yeo’s reply when I spoke to him about family time and possibly playing with grandchildren on Aaron Ng’s blog.
i) I am afraid that grandchildren supply will be still a long way to go. My kids are too busy. One slaving away on research. The other still in college. – Mr Philip Yeo’s reply when I spoke to him about family time and possibly playing with grandchildren on Aaron Ng’s blog.
ii) Dee, I chat with them regularly on AIM as matter of habit although we have do use Skype sometimes. Boston and La Jolla, three US hours apart. Philip – Mr Philip Yeo on keeping in touch with his son and daughter, both of whom are overseas.
2.0 FOOD!
i) Ooops! Frog legs are tasty. Ha! I will hunt for the frog legs porridge (when a blogger recommended good frog leg porridge at Geyland Lorong 9). Many thanks!Fish porridge has been my first choice. – Mr. Philip Yeo comments on his choice of culinary delights in Aaron Ng’s blog (comments 113 and 128).
It is my hope that the curious ones reading this write-up will eventually have their curiosity satisfied. For those with a differing opinion, I would urge all those involved to engage in a healthy cum productive discussion, free from ad hominen attacks and mudslinging. If I can do it, so can the rest. After all, I opened this tavern for travellers to make friends over free flow of beverages!
Note: I have received an email from Mr Philip Yeo about an earlier error on the numbers of A*STAR scholars in US and UK, and I have made the corrections in 1.5 part ii. The bold text is the corrected version.
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