Saturday, April 7, 2007

My exchange with NMP Siew Kum Tong on the NS issue

Disclaimer: The contents of my post were SOLELY BASED on MY EXPERIENCE. This is NOT to say that a thorough study was done. Lastly, my experiences DO NOT necessarily reflect the realities on the ground in the absence of a thorough study being conducted.
I happened to chance on NMP Siew Kum Tong's blog, and the pertinent issue of NS men was raised. The crux of the issue was based on comments raised on National Service liabilities handicapping male Singaporean's career.
I did have my fair share of job interviews, and as regards to National Service liabilities (reservist), only one raised the issue. Coincidentally, the interviewer was a Caucasian foreigner, the only foreign interviewer I had. The rest of the interviewers for my other jobs were all Singaporeans. However, I would like to qualify that this is only based on my experience and impressions of Singaporeans and foreigners shouldn't be judged on the basis of my post.
I happened to have an interview for a certain job, although I had another dream job in mind. I wasn't particularly keen on this job, but nonetheless, I attended the interview to satisfy my curiosity and also, as a learning experience. The interview went on okay until the end when the Caucasian interviewer questioned me about my National Service committments. I reassured him that if my services were very urgent to the company, there is an avenue for me to seek a deferment. I also told him that I wasn't a key appointment holder in my National Service unit.
Needless to say, I didn't get the job in the end although I landed my dream job. This is NOT TO say that I was discriminated based on National Service liability. It could also be that I wasn't too particularly keen and treated the interview as some sort of excursion trip to open my eyes. Secondly, I landed my dream job.
Speaking of my dream job, my interviewer who was to become my direct superior was a Singaporean lady. We spent most of our interview discussing the company's vision and other things relevant to my job scope. Nothing was raised about National Service issues. At the end of the day, I was thoroughly satisfied as I managed to land my dream job.

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